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A MozJPEG graphical user interface

About Installation Compiling MozJPEG Usage Source Binaries Contact

About Jpegzilla

MozJPEG lacks a good user-friendly front-end, that's why Jpegzilla has been made. Jpegzilla is open-source software, it has been confirmed it can run on Windows XP+ and every modern Linux distribution. It requires Python 3.4+ installed (or library bundled with the binary). It uses the Tkinter library for GUI as it is lightweight, fast and simple.

Compiling MozJPEG

To compile MozJPEG on Debian/Ubuntu distributions you can refer to my video below and follow the steps.

For Arch Linux, Manjaro or Antergos you can just simply use the MozJPEG AUR package.

You can also check out this website that contains precompiled binaries for MozJPEG, but I do not guarantee they're entirely safe as they're not published by me nor Mozilla.

Official building instructions



More information can be found in jpegtran manual.